软件语言: 多国语言
软件大小: 1.99MB
软件类别: 免费版/清除卸载
运行环境: XP/2003/windows7
CCleaner 是一款好用的系统垃圾清理工具,可以从您的系统中清除无用的文件和垃圾信息。CCleaner的体积小,运行速度极快,可以对临时文件夹、历史记录、回收站等进行垃圾清理,并可对注册表进行垃圾项扫描、清理,附带软件卸载功能,同时支持IE、Firefox、Chrome。它可以让您的 Windows 运行更快、效率更高、释放出更多的硬盘空间。小巧精悍、快速高效、安全稳定,实乃系统优化、装机必备软件!
- Added support for Firefox 5.0.
- Improve Firefox History cleaning.
- Improved cleaning for Windows Error Reporting and Other Explorer MRUs.
- Added cleaning for Ditto, Evernote, I2P, McAfee AntiVirus, MS AntiMalware, PerfectDisk, PowerISO, UltraISO, GIMP, Go!Zilla, MagicISO. – Improved cleaning for 7-Zip, Daemon Tools, Windows Defender.
- Improved DOMStore cookie domain discovery and cleaning.
- Improved Uninstall tool scanning and uninstalling routines.
- Improved Registry Cleaner detection algorithm.
- Improved Start Up tool detection algorithm.
- Added multiple monitor support.
- Improved shortcut key accelerators.
- Improved search response when using wild cards.
- Added support for root registry keys in the exclude list.
- Added Kazakh language.
- Minor GUI improvements and fixes.

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